About the exhibition
"Moving on – voices from children in migration" is an exhibition and contemporary documentation project carried out by Kulturen in Lund, Malmö museum and Regionmuseet Skåne, in collaboration with many others. You will get acquainted children who have fled the ongoing war in Ukraine through filmed interviews. You can also take part of stories of children who came to Sweden in 2015–2016. Drawings that the children have made have been animated and brought to life.
This is essentially a digital exhibition, but during the summer there are mini-exhibitions at Kulturen i Lund, Malmö museum, Regional Museum Skåne and some libraries.

Documentary about the project
The documentary film Moving On follows the work on the contemporary documentation and the exhibition Moving On, and reflects on the effects of the project.
The film highlights the organizational, methodological and collaborative aspects. The three regional Skåne museums want to continue to develop a unique and long-term collaboration with universities, civil society and business actors.