The Grocer's Shop – Hökeriet – and the street leading down to Kulturen in Lund.
The Grocer's Shop – Hökeriet – and the street leading down to Kulturen in Lund. Photo: Viveca Ohlsson/Kulturen

The Grocer’s Shop (Hökeriet)

Interior from Hökeriet, a grocers shop from the turn of the last century.
Hökeriet is a museum and a shop, that brings to life a local shop from the turn of the last century. Photo: Viveca Ohlsson/Kulturen

The Grocer’s Shop (Hökeriet) brings to life a local shop as it would have looked around the turn of the last century, including shelves packed with goods in old-style packaging. Here you can buy a range of old-style wares and enjoy coffee, waffles and cakes and pastries in the mini café.

Sankt Annegatan 9, Lund, Sweden

Opening hours
Ordinarily Saturday and Sunday 12.00–16.00

Admission fee
Free admission

The Museum of Life (Livets museum)

Guide från Sydsvenska medicinhistoriska sällskapet hr visning på Livets museum.
Museum of Life. Photo: Viveca Ohlsson

The Museum of Life is a museum of medical history that focuses on how our bodies work. It also includes displays about important advances in medicine that have been made in Lund (such as in dialysis and the development of respirators), all in an interactive, modern exhibition that encourages your active involvement.

Lasarettsgatan 5B, Lund, Sweden

Opening hours
Ordinarily Monday–Friday and Sunday 10.00–14.00

Admission fee
Free admission

The Tegnér Museum (Tegnérmuseet)

Interiör från Tegnérmuseet.
Photo: Viveca Ohlsson/Kulturen

Esaias Tegnér (1782-1846) was one of Sweden’s most important writers and poets of his generation. He was also a professor at Lund University for a period, during which time his family lived in a half-timbered house on the street Stora Gråbrödersgatan. We have recreated Tegnér’s home inside the museum using original furnishings and various mementos associated with Tegnér.

Stora Gråbrödersgatan 11, Lund, Sweden

Opening hours
You can book a private tour at any time during the year via [email protected].

Admission fee
Free admission